Friday, October 3, 2014

Nurse Training

The final set of photos by Fritz Henle of these ladies learning the art of hospital caregiving in 1942. Previous sets here, here, and here.

Student nurses must be versed in occupational therapy. This student entertains youngsters in a convalescing ward.
Student nurses, like millions of other United States citizens, are today taking Red Cross First Aid courses, but with a difference. These students of nursing are taught not only to give first aid in case of air raids or other war or peacetime emergencies, but also how to deal with amateur first aiders. Here a group of young nurses adjust a traction splint on a fellow "victim".
Student nurses, like Susan Petty of Lebanon, Pennsylvania, are rendering their country a great service by making it possible for experienced nurses to join the Army or Navy Nurse Corps. Relieved of such civilian duties as administering injections to patients like this smiling youngster, graduate nurses are tending America's fighting men in distant parts of the world.
Student observation of operations in schools of nursing and medicine has brought about the development of various styles of amphitheatres. This dome arrangement is unique in the United States. While eye operations are in progress in the room below, the students observe through powerful binoculars attached to the dome.
Taking care of an oxygen-tent patient is one of the many duties which 
students like young Susan Petty must perform during their apprenticeship.
The "morning circle" starts the day's work for the student nurses. Here students get their assignment and learn what problems must be dealt with on the floor.
The nurse must learn to carry out complicated and constantly changing instructions of the doctor attending this patient who has undergone a cut arthroplasty operation.
The why and wherefores of nutrition are mastered 
by student nurses during their hospital training period.
Through classes in pediatrics, student nurses learn how the right toys can be almost as important in getting a sick child well, as medicine and diet.
When student nurses have completed much of their training they can relieve nurses such as this one for war service, and can take over such duties as attending patients in corrective casts.